linguist friend has hated with a passion Esperanto ever since he started
to study linguistics. However, while it might not be as passionate as
his hate, he has always liked MY way of speaking and writing Esperanto.
Why?... Probably because I actually strive to be as unlike French as possible when writing in Esperanto.
They say "hospitalo", I usually say "resanigejo".
They say "rigardi", I usually
say either "celvidi" (for a picture, a silent movie or whatever is
simply visual) or "celvidaŭdi" (for videos, TV and movies). Actually, I
use cel- whenever I do something with a goal in mind.
They say
"konstitucio", I usually say "starigo" or "bazleĝaro" or "bazregularo",
the first one for the actual founding of something, and the other two
for constitutions of States or non-sovereign organizations.
They say "redaktoro" and "aŭtoro", but I say "redaktisto" and "aŭtoristo". (And "resanigisto" for that matter...)
They say "bonege", but I don't hesitate to go further and say "bonegege" with all the emotional implications of doing so.
I could list examples, tons of examples, but I would never, ever, be
done. Using Esperanto the way I use it might at first seem insane, but
it actually rewards the brain in patterns, something that it likes and
actually prefers, which makes further distinctions a lot easier to
express. My linguist friend has come to appreciate my way of speaking
Esperanto, and my Esperanto-speaking friends are starting to appreciate
the whole emotivity I have when using and distinguishing all those
words, even though at first, for them, it's a weird sensation.
Kaje, finfinfine, por esperantlingvanoj, vidu miajn plejjunajn vortkreaĵojn :
Mi esperas vian koran tutan enkapiĝon :P
Kaj... finfinfinfine...
Nu, ĉio senfinas sed ĝis nun bonplenas.
Esperantisto = Iu kiu laboras pri Esperanto
Esperantlingvano = Iu kiu estas ano de Esperant(lingv)o
Esperantismano = Iu kiu anas al la ismo de Esperanto
Mi estas tiaj uloj samtempe, sed mi disvidigas ĉiun econ. Ĉu vi?
(Kaj jese, mi estas raŭmismano, ne raŭmisto.)
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